Sunday, October 29, 2017

The purpose

Today I have learned one thing accidently and fortunately. It is about the purpose of staying this life. It is "to think , to create, and to discover". That is why I live my this life and I forgot it so long ago. I am dull and felt empty inside since I forgot it. Over comsuming of information through social media and internet was main problem for me. Also I could reduce my facebook usage without prior notice that it cauesd me emptiness. And also I could enjoy reading again. And then .... I feel so peaceful and content by myself. I like phototaking and more using Instagram to show off my creation, and also blogging to express my feeling. Instead ....  I read book, and remind myself to go with slow pace.
"To think, to create and to discover" ..... that the purpose of this life, and I realized that I feel emptiness if I cannot think, create and discover. I think I could solve my life problem right now. I am not so sure, but at least I believe that I am on the right track now.